1 coil pitch
шаг обмотки
[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > coil pitch
2 coil pitch
3 coil pitch
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > coil pitch
4 coil pitch
5 coil pitch
6 coil pitch
1) Техника: шаг обмотки2) Электроника: шаг катушки, шаг намотки3) Кабельные производство: шаг обмотки катушки -
7 coil pitch
8 coil pitch
9 coil pitch
English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology > coil pitch
10 coil pitch
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > coil pitch
11 coil pitch
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > coil pitch
12 coil pitch
13 coil pitch
шаг намотки; шаг обмотки -
14 coil pitch
электр. -
15 coil
катушка; электромагнитная катушка; обмотка; виток (напр. проволоки, каната); кольцо (верёвки, каната); спираль (пружины); моток; бухта (троса); бунт (проволоки); соленоид; змеевик; рулон; II навивать (пружину); наматывать; обматывать; свёртываться кольцом или спиралью; извиваться; скручивать в спираль- coil block - coil capacitance - coil car - coil condenser - coil constant - coil conveyor - coil dissipation - coil former - coil heater - coil heating - coil high-tension lead - coil ignition - coil impedance - coil inductance - coil insulation - coil lifter - coil loss - coil magnetometer - coil neutralization - coil of helix - coil of wire - coil-on-plug ignition - coil overheating - coil pipe - coil pitch - coil pump - coil Q-factor - coil quality - coil resistance - coil spool - coil spring - coil spring clutch - coil spring dampener - coil-steel car - coil stripping carriage - coil support - coil tank truck - coil tap - coil terminal - coil tongs - coil tower - coil transfer buggy - coil transfercar - coil-type evaporator - coil-type heater - coil up - coil water cooling - coil winding - coil winding machine - coil-winding short circuit - absorption coil - acceleration coil - active coils - actuating coil - adjustment coil - air-core coil - air-cored coil - air-gap coil - air-gap reactance coil - alignment coil - arc suppresion coil - armature coil - bias coil - bifilar coil - blowout coil - blow-up coil - bucking coil - bypass coil - choke coil - coiled coil - compensator balancing coil - concentric coil - cooling coil - control coil - core coil - coupling coil - crossover coil - current limiting coil - damping coil - deflection coil - deflecting coil - degaussing coil - dephlegmator coil - disc coil - discharge coil - double-spark ignition coil - dry coil - earth coil - electric heating coil - electromagnet coil - end coil - evaporating coil - excitation coil - exciting coil - expansion coil - exploring coil - feedback coil - field coil - fixed coil - flip coil - form-wound coil - gap-air coil - grid type coil - hearpin coil - heat coil - heat recovery coil - heat-exchanger coil - heater coil - heating coil - helical coil - high-pressure condensing coil - hold-in coil - holding coil - holding-on coil - honeycomb coil - horizontal-tube coil - hose coil - hybrid coil - idle coil - ignition coil - ignition coil with ignition driver stage - impedance coil - inductance coil - induction coil - inductor coil - iron-core coil - launching coil - line repeating coil - load coil - loading coil - long-pitch coil - magnet coil - magnetic coil - magnetic blow-out coil - magnetizing coil - moving coil - multilayer coil - multipass heating coil - mush-wound coil - noninductive coil - nonlinear coil - open-ended coil - operating coil - pancake coil - panel coil - peaking coil - permeability-tuned coil - Petersen coil - pickup coil - pipe coil - pitch of coil - plate coil - plug-in coil - primary coil - probe coil - pull-in coil - pulling coil - reactance coil - reactor coil - relay coil - release coil - repeating coil - resistance coil - restraining coil - ribbon coil - rope coil - scramble-wound coil - search coil - secondary coil - sectional coil - sectionalized coil - sensor coil - series coil - shading coil - shielded coil - short-pitch coil - short-type coil - shorted-out coil - shunt coil - single-layer coil - single pass heating coil - single-spark ignition coil - sliding-contact coil - solenoid coil - solenoidal coil - spark coil - sparking coil - spiderweb coil - spider-web coil - spiral coil - spring coil - stagger-wound coil - steam heating coil - strap coil - sucking coil - superconducting coil - superheater coil - tank heating coil - tapped coil - tapping coil - Tesla coil - toroidal coil - trip coil - tripping coil - tuning coil - vertical deflection coil - Wayside coil - wire coil - work coil -
16 coil
1) виток
2) бобинный
3) бухтовать
4) змеевидный
5) змеевик
6) змеевиковый
7) змееобразный
8) свертывать в бунт
9) свивание
10) <engin.> бухта
11) спираль
12) <engin.> намотка
13) навиваться
14) пружина
15) катушка
– air-core coil
– air-gap coil
– armature coil
– basket coil
– basket-wound coil
– bifilar coil
– blow-out coil
– blowout coil
– booster coil
– bucking coil
– bypass coil
– choke coil
– coil a spring
– coil break
– coil comparator
– coil end
– coil form
– coil getter
– coil heater
– coil insulation
– coil length
– coil loading
– coil magazine
– coil of cable
– coil paper
– coil pitch
– coil rolling
– coil serpentine
– coil spool
– coil spring
– coil strip
– coil winder
– coiled coil
– coupling coil
– deflecting coil
– degaussing coil
– discharge coil
– disk coil
– electromagnet coil
– end coil
– excitation coil
– field coil
– flip coil
– form-wound coil
– heater coil
– heating coil
– honeycomb coil
– hybrid coil
– idle coil
– ignition coil
– inactive coil
– inductance coil
– induction coil
– launching coil
– loading coil
– multilayer coil
– operating coil
– pancake coil
– peaking coil
– permeability-tuned coil
– pick-up coil
– pitch of coil
– plug-in coil
– probe coil
– repeating coil
– resistance coil
– search coil
– sectionalized coil
– shading coil
– shielded coil
– single-layer coil
– spiderweb coil
– spiral coil
– stagger-wound coil
– strap coil
– tapped coil
– toroidal coil
– trip coil
– tuning coil
– voice coil
– wire coil
coil winding machine — станок намоточный, станок обмоточный
vertical deflection coil — <phot.> катушка отклоняющая кадровая
17 pitch
– adjustable pitch
– angle of pitch
– back pitch
– black pitch
– chain pitch
– coal-tar pitch
– coarse pitch
– coil pitch
– coked pitch
– commutator pitch
– design pitch
– feathered pitch
– fine pitch
– frequency in pitch
– hard pitch
– in pitch
– lead-screw pitch
– lignite tar pitch
– long pitch
– nose-down pitch
– nose-up pitch
– peat pitch
– petroleum pitch
– pine pitch
– pitch acceleration
– pitch angle
– pitch axis
– pitch circle
– pitch cone
– pitch cylinder
– pitch damper
– pitch diameter
– pitch factor
– pitch frequency
– pitch gyro
– pitch gyroscope
– pitch horn
– pitch interval
– pitch of a boom
– pitch of a screw
– pitch of coil
– pitch of gear
– pitch of joint
– pitch of pipes
– pitch of roof
– pitch of thread
– pitch of tone
– pitch or rivets
– pitch point
– pitch ratio
– pitch reinforcement
– pitch tent
– pitch tolerance
– pitch tracker
– pitch up
– pitch variation
– pole pitch
– propeller pitch
– row pitch
– soft-tar pitch
– stability in pitch
– trio dot pitch
– winding pitch
– wood pitch
– zero-thrust pitch
control in pitch of airplane — продольное управление самолетом
controllable pitch propeller — <engin.> винт изменяемого в полете шага
lower pitch limit — < radio> предел высоты тона нижний
pitch trim moment — <phys.> балансировочный момент тангажа
upper pitch limit — < radio> предел высоты тоны верхний
18 pitch
1) вар2) высота3) акуст. высота звука4) высота тона5) килевая качка || испытывать килевую качку6) наклон; скат7) пек8) поле9) смола || смолить11) тангаж12) шаг•to stop the nose-up pitch — авиац. прекращать кабрирование
- pitch of a screw - pitch of a spot weldto trim in pitch — авиац. балансировать по тангажу
19 coil
1) бухта, бунт2) виток3) змеевик; теплообменник4) катушка (индуктивности); соленоид5) метал. рулон6) спираль || скручивать в спираль7) навивка; намотка || наматывать8) обмотка || мотать•to coil strip метал. — свёртывать полосу в рулон
- end coil -
20 pitch
1) шаг (напр. заклёпок, спирали, резьбы воздушного винта)2) изменять шаг3) метал. ход ( шагающих балок)4) длина проступи ( лестницы)5) наклон; уклон6) угол наклона7) горн. падение пласта8) мор. килевая качка || испытывать килевую качку9) мор. дифферент при килевой качке10) возд. тангаж11) возд. угол тангажа || изменять угол тангажа12) раскачка ( транспортного средства) относительно поперечной оси, авто, ж.-д. тж. " галопирование"13) основной тон ( речевого сигнала)14) высота тона17) смолка || смолить бочку18) обтёсывать камень долотом19) партия товара20) швейн. втачивание рукава с обеспечением баланса•pitch at root — шаг ( гребного винта) у корня лопасти;pitch at tip — шаг ( гребного винта) у концевой кромки лопасти;in coarse pitch — возд. в режиме большого шага;in fine pitch — возд. в режиме малого шага-
absolute pitch
actual pitch
adjustable pitch
apparent pitch
array pitch
average pitch of roughness
base pitch
blade pitch
bone tar pitch
boom pitch
bucket pitch
chain pitch
character pitch
coal-tar pitch
coarse pitch
coil pitch
coke pitch
coke-oven tar pitch
collective pitch
combed claw pitch
commutator pitch
constant pitch
controllable pitch
corrugation pitch
cracked pitch
design pitch
diameter pitch
double pitch
effective pitch
even pitch
face pitch
feed pitch
fine pitch
fixed pitch
flat pitch
frame pitch
gas work tar pitch
geometric pitch
glance pitch
grid pitch
hard pitch
hydrodynamic pitch
irregular pitch
lake pitch
lead pitch
lead-screw pitch
lignite tar pitch
line pitch
main rotor pitch
medium pitch
medium-soft pitch
mineral pitch
needle pitch
oil gas tar pitch
perforation pitch
petroleum pitch
pine tar pitch
pitch of corrugations
pitch of film
pitch of pipes
pitch of roof
pitch of stairs
pitch of strand
pitch of winding
polar pitch
producer gas tar pitch
propeller pitch
proportional pitch
residual pitch
reverse pitch
rivet pitch
roll pitch
roofer pitch
rosin pitch
seaming pitch
seat pitch
shallow pitch
soft pitch
soluble pitch
sprocket pitch
standard pitch
stearine pitch
steep pitch
stitching pitch
straight-run pitch
strand pitch
tar pitch
teeth pitch
track pitch
variable pitch
varied pitch
video track pitch
virtual pitch
water gas pitch
winding pitch
wood-tar pitch
wood pitch
wrist pitch
См. также в других словарях:
Pitch — may refer to:In music: * Pitch (music), the property of a sound or musical tone measured by its perceived frequency ** Range (music), the distance from the lowest to the highest pitch a musical instrument can play ** Vocal range, the distance… … Wikipedia
pitch|fork — «PIHCH FRK», noun, verb. –n. a large fork with a long wooden handle, used in lifting and throwing hay or straw; hayfork. A pitchfork has from two to six long, slightly curved steel prongs or tines. –v.t. 1. to lift and throw with or as if with a… … Useful english dictionary
Coil binding — For the term as used in auto racing, see coil bind. Coil Binding Binding Machine Coil binding, also known as spiral binding, is a commonly used book binding style for … Wikipedia
Coil bind — At rest the air dam (red) of a car appears several inches above the ground. At full speed the air dam appears much closer to the ground. Co … Wikipedia
pole pitch — noun : the distance measured on the circumference of the armature from the center of one pole to the center of the next pole : 180 electrical degrees compare coil, pitch 2b(5) … Useful english dictionary
Singing Tesla coil — Video of the Museum of Science (Boston) s coil The singing Tesla coil is a form of plasma speaker. It is a variation of a solid state Tesla coil that has been modified to produce musical tones by modulating its spark output. The resulting pitch… … Wikipedia
full-pitch winding — noun : the winding of an armature in which the two sides of the armature coil span a distance equal to the pole pitch … Useful english dictionary
Magnifying transmitter — The magnifying transmitter was designed to implement Wireless energy transmission by means of the disturbed charge of ground and air method. The magnifying transmitter is an advanced version of Tesla coil transmitter. It is a high power harmonic… … Wikipedia
шаг обмотки — — [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.] Тематики электротехника, основные понятия EN winding polecoil spancoil pitch … Справочник технического переводчика
Bass guitar — A Music Man Stingray bass String instrument Other names Bass, electric bass guitar, electric bass. Classification … Wikipedia
Guitar — Infobox Instrument name=Guitar names= classification=String instrument (plucked, nylon stringed guitars usually played with fingerpicking, and steel , etc. usually with a pick.) range= (a regularly tuned guitar) related=*Bowed and plucked string… … Wikipedia